Growing up

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

more 5 month photos

She has discovered changing things from one hand to the other. When she's lying down she lifts her legs and grabs her feet. She stopped being interested in pacifiers. She likes to use her voice: talk, yell. Started eating some cooked veggies. She really likes the pool. When in the little pool(the one above is the bigger one) she pretty much just furiously splashes the water and then quickly brings her hand to her mouth so she can drink some of the water. She can sit up pretty well now. For a while she could only roll her top half over, the bottom half was too heavy, but by the end of this month she could roll over and over... She got a walker and johnny jump up this month. She gets around by scooting while on her back. Started taking her out more this month to meet and get to know people. The day she turned 5 months she weighed 24 pounds.


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