Growing up

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.

Monday, September 25, 2006

9 month old stuff

When Alice turned 9 months old, she still weighed the same as she did when she turned 6 months old. She got two more teeth this month. She learned to clap, and uses it after she goes on the potty, and to say please. When she's sitting on the potty she uses her feet to scoot herself backwards. She goes all over the place, it's so funny! She'll also stand right up from sitting on the potty. She learned how to crawl this month. She shakes her head "no". She sneezes on purpose. She says "uh oh" when she drop something. She hugs and kisses (with an open mouth). She smacks when she wants food. Yells for fun a lot. Can say "bear" and "ball" and "Hi Tiff" (to Tiffany), and mama/dada, stuff like that. Still crazy about animals, and loves to show off all she knows, and then she'll clap so everyone else will. I'll be sitting there with her, and suddenly she'll listen and start barking. I listen and I do hear a dog, down the street, but I hadn't heard it, and she had noticed.


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's amazing how many words she says and sounds she makes!

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Daniel Olivares said...

that lil fat genius. we have a one and a half year old that only knows how to say "that". im trying to teach him how to say futbol, gol and bin laden to no avail. need to learn your tricks


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