Growing up

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 2009- 3 and a half years old!

Showing off her art project wall.

Shishkabobs and swimming with friends.

Zoo outing. I will attach her dictated report on it below.

We have a large property in need of painting, so Alice went straight to work. Ha!

A place mat and simple snow globe we made. Snow globes are actually simple to make! Alice is great at cutting!

April does one special art project with the kids once a week. Alice really looks forward to them. Here is a super cool robot they made one week.

The Zoo
By Alice Desruisseaux (3)

First, we saw the peacocks.
Then we saw the hippos. They were out of the water. There was a mama and a baby. They were leaning forward on their short legs. Their bodies look like logs. They duck their heads under the water.
A crocodile was sleeping with his mouth open.
The ocelot was eating some meat.
The snakes were shaking off their old skin. That was my favorite part. One snake was like a statue, staying still on the wall.
There was a family of monkeys. They were green and brown and white. The baby had a white tummy.
We only saw the mommy lion.
We saw two camels, the mom and the dad. The mom was with two goats and two peacocks.
We saw water buffalo eating hay. The mommy was taking a bath and the father was watching over her. We saw a kangaroo lying down to have her babies.
A bird gave some poop on my arm and my dad’s arm.
Then we drove home.

She had a bad dream in the night and was crying. I woke her up and she was so afraid, crying, "My dad's feet were turning red. I tried to warn him! But I couldn't stop them!"

Recently Chad was on the computer, and Alice wanted to spend time with him. She said, "Turn it off, Dad! That'd be an easy job for ya!"

Bowen and Alice wanted to sit together on a chair to watch a video. Alice says, "Bowen, you are scrawny, so you can sit on the edge."

One night while putting her to bed, I said, "Alice, I'm so proud of you!" She said, "I'm proud of you too!"

I was on my way up the stairs with Alice, and I stopped for a couple of minutes to talk to someone. She starts poking me in the back, saying, "Move it prisoner, we're losing daylight!" I found out later she got it from some cartoon.

Zeph, Alice, and Bowen were playing that they were a family. Bowen was supposed to be the baby. Alice and Zeph started play wrestling, and fell on top of Bowen. He started crying. Alice says, "Yep, that's how a baby cries."


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