Growing up

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

December 2009

This was my first time out for Indian Food! Yum! This was my first snow angel.

I got my ears pierced. They had two guns and made both holes at the same time. It hurt, but not too much.

My pretty coat.

Decorating the tree

Some fun dress up!

We caroled for our neighbors and gave them homemade cards and cookies!

Here's the gingerbread house I made with Dad.

Christmas morning finally came!

Some present pictures.

Alice said “Mom, there’s a black squirrel outside hibernating a nut!” It was eating a nut in a tree in the snow.
We were playing doggies, and her doggie dramatically says to mine, “ I don’t want you around here anymore, so, be gone!”
Her little cousin got a pretty ring, and Alice wanted to wear it, so she said, "Jaime, you look SO pretty WiThOUT the ring!"


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