Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
4 month photos
First food: Plain yogurt/ and later banana
First spontaneous belly laugh
She really likes to be upside down
She's into pulling hair
Loves daddy a lot more this month. I guess she got to know him. Everytime she hears or sees him, she lights up and wants him to talk to her.
She puts everything into her mouth. She'll touch something and then hit her mouth with her fist and go back and forth over and over hoping that that something will fly into her mouth.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
First kid's Party
She had so much fun watching the balloons and all the kids dancing and playing.
She likes looking at her mobile. Loves pictures of Jesus. She smiles and talks to them. Reaches for things and tries to put them into her mouth. She loves to watch videos. Real active, happy wiggle worm. She got her first fever this month. Gets up at least twice at night to nurse, but then just goes right back to sleep. She got too big for her basinette, so we switched her to a play pen crib. She happily sleeps in mommy and daddy's bed, or her own. She has always slept on her back, and hummed in her sleep. She started taking the pacifier for going to sleep.
Nicknames so far: The kids have been calling her "Baby Alice". Daddy calls her "Silly Ol' Bear". I call her Silly Willy, Lovebug, and far. Others have been: Muffin & Michelin man...we'll see how things progress. Ha!
Photos they don't show you
Who says every picture needs to be flattering?
This one tells me she is taking her modeling career waay too seriously, or she is just concentrating on something down below. Let's hope this vacant expression doesn't become a past time. Oh boy! I hope I'm not in trouble for smacking that kid with my spoon! And I'm hoping she doesn't try to take revenge on me for putting this one up.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
2 months old
Chubby cheeks
Tell me this doesn't look like a hippo in a tu-tu. I think this is a hilarious photo: her face, her hands, everything! She likes having conversations with people. She smiles and gurgless and goos when people talk to her. Sucks her hand a lot. Her favorite songs are "Little Bird in the Night" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Likes bedtime songs while going to sleep. She's starting to reach up and bat things, if they are close enough. Holds her head up some of the time;she gets frustrated after a little while though, if put on her stomach.