Growing up

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

October 2011

Busy October
Here's pumpkin carving with Dad. They made a Frankenstein. Cousin Marcus 6 months old

Calgary Corn Maze

Enrollment ceremony/celebration into Girl Guides: Sparks

Halloween Girl Guide party

Alice got to participate at a dress rehearsal for a play: Lost

Sowing up Barry the Bear


Halloween time

Trick or treating at the mall with A. Crystal and cousin Marcus.

Spider cupcakes for relatives and neighbors

Swimming class

My Little Pony show

I can tell Alice is almost 6. The My Little Pony show was a bit too babyish, according to her. Her dance classes for up to 5 yr. olds, are too babyish. She's ready for 6 yr. old stuff. So, we just have to wait till she turns 6!