Growing up

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

June 2015

A grandpa visit!

Nerd glasses

Advancement ceremony

Finished 1st year of Guides

Alice's booth: Epic Eco's on composting and growing edible plants at the Mayor's Expo in City Hall
The mayor came and interviewed them and Alice was on the news!


Volunteer appreciation tea at Alice's school

Barrier Lake

Alice's clay creations

Alice went to the Jelly Bean dance with a friend
Passed Swimmer 4
Lexus' birthday party
Drumheller Museum with U. Art and cousins
Last day of school: June 26!
Swimming on Saturdays

July 2015

Stampede is in town!

Alice's basil plant

Swing of the Century


Got to visit our friends in Edmonton

hotel room

cousin visit

The littlest spiderman

Spray park

Calgary tower with A. Christina!

4th of July BBQ with family
Kaylee's goodbye evening
Alice got her ears pierced!
Swim and Fun Day Camp
Swim at Vivo with cousins a couple times
Playdates and sleepovers
Started weekly badminton and table tennis in June