KFC playplace
Playland at a mall
My big dolly
Looking goofy and cute in her little bathrobe
We made clay letters and painted them and made a sign for our door
Alice weighs 36 pounds.
When I say "Who wants to go to the park/eat food/go potty/have snack? If she wants to, she'll say "I do!" If she doesn't, she'll say "Nobody!"
She scribbles and think she's writing something, for example she'll scribble, show it to me and say, "I love Jesus!" or "Grandma and Grandpa!", something like that. For her daddy's birthday she took a piece of paper, scribbled on it, and said, "Happy Birthday to Daddy!", we glued some pictures on it and gave it to daddy as a birthday card. She says "Mommy/Daddy, I love you too!" or "Mommy/Daddy, pat you." or "Mommy/Daddy, carry you."(meaning to say "me" instead of "you", of course).
She points to anyone she doesn't know (or does), and says "Who dat?"
She also sees pictures in the bedroom ceiling, and will out of the blue yell out something random that she sees in it.