The variety of a seven month old
Slobbery peach anyone? I'm willing to share. What? No takers?

This blog is for family, and anyone else interested in seeing loads of pictures and updates of Alice's life, growth and development.
Slobbery peach anyone? I'm willing to share. What? No takers?
Alice got her first two teeth this month. The top and bottom of the middle left side..I'm sure you all wanted to know those details. ha! Here you can see the first one that popped out on the bottom:
We took Alice to a petting zoo/ranch with some other families. It was a lot of fun!
The chickens! The noise! The SMELL!
She got a leetle worried about being this close.
This was a much safer distance.
Now this guy's cool!
She's started liking books very much(and eating them).